Broken Water Wells

The cost of your service call is waived when you hire us to do your well repair or service.

You're one phone call away from great-tasting water. Call us today.

If you're experiencing low water pressure or restricted water flow, you might have a broken well. Call the local expert who can correctly diagnose a simple problem from a bigger one costing 4 times as much. Rely on the experience KGR Well Drilling of Bayville, NJ for honest troubleshooting of plugged filters, rusted out pressure tanks, electrical problems and broken water lines.

Old water pump

Get your well fixed quickly

The performance of your well can be restored after years of use when you choose the fully licensed and insured professionals for your repairs or pump replacement. We're available 24/7 and offer prompt emergency service.

Water pump repair

Accurate Diagnose & Repair services:

  • Experienced, Master Well Driller
  • Residential and commercial
  • Well redeveloping
  • Licensed and insured
  • New water wells drilled

Professional well water drilling and repairs

That puddling water or the hole developing in your yard could be a sign of a broken water main. If you see water in your yard or have dirt or sand or sand coming out of your faucet, call us today to inspect your water well. We'll give you an estimate and a reasonable price on a repair.

We Accept Major Credit Cards

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